Looking Inside your SuiteCommerce with Hotjar and FullStory Session Recording Tools

Modern businesses thrive in e-commerce, and this makes SuiteCommerce sites the primary pillars of trade. You can consider your website successful if it continually draws prospective customers, but do the hits convert to sales? Understanding the needs of your customers can help you to address them explicitly.

Modern businesses thrive in eCommerce, and SuiteCommerce is an ideal platform for their growth thanks to its scalability. One could say that a successful website draws prospective customers continually, but what happens if the hits don’t convert to sales? Something might not be working for your customers, and you need to understand what’s happening. 

Session recording tools like Hotjar and FullStory can give you a sneak peek of your SuiteCommerce site visitors’ interests. After analyzing your audience’s browsing behavior, the tools provide priceless information you can exploit to boost your sales.

How Hotjar Works

Hotjar’s Heatmaps feature reports on what site visitors clicked or tapped, as well as their scrolling pattern. Hot areas are the most frequented pages or tabs on your website, shown with warm colors. On the other hand, Cold areas are the least consulted parts and are marked with cool colors.

Hotjar also has a Recordings feature, which shows the user’s mouse movement and time spent on each page. This suggests the content that was most engaging to the viewer. Such information is valuable in search engine optimization. Also, Recordings can reveal how easily your viewers navigate your website and suggest if you need to improve on anything.

With Hotjar, you can interact with your audience in numerous ways. Users can give their opinions on the site’s interface using feedback functions, and you can answer their queries through dialogue boxes.

Credits: hotjar.com

Features of FullStory

FullStory generates video recordings that are indexed to generate a thorough account of your SuiteCommerce website’s activity. In fact, the report is so detailed that it tracks rage clicks (rapid clicking), suggesting that the user was confused or upset.

Equally important, FullStory provides accurate insights into what your viewers explore. In Inspect Mode, you can tweak various elements on your site to evaluate your audience’s experience. As a result, you can tell if the design is user-friendly or not.

Users of FullStory can view how visitors interact with their websites in real time. So a SuiteCommerce developer can collect useful information that can help enhance the end-user experience.

FullStory presents data using graphs and pie charts for better understanding. The tool also has a commenting feature that allows you to share your findings with your team.

Credits: fullstory.com

Deciding: Hotjar or FullStory for SuiteCommerce?

Hotjar and FullStory are useful session recording tools that can help optimize your SuiteCommerce website for a better customer experience. They only differ in the depth of analysis and reporting. In addition, both services offer free plans so you can evaluate and decide the most suitable for you.

Talk to us to learn how to integrate Hotjar or FullStory with your SuiteCommerce website or to learn more about how to optimize your NetSuite eCommerce business!

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